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Today’s Face: How to create a simple vintage hairstyle

I am no expert when it comes to hairstyling, but over the years I've had the opportunity to work with hairdressers and have tried to glean as many tips as possible. I'm also a huge DIY gal, watching how-to clips on YouTube or finding out to do things on Pinterest. So here is a tutorial on how I create a simple, vintage looking hairstyle in just a few steps. It's easier than you think!

Shiny and New

It wasn't intentional that I would shoot this jacket in the late afternoon sun, but now I'm looking at these photos I can see that it really needed to be under direct sunlight for the full effect of the foil leather to come to life. It's even better in real life, and while I'm wearing it casually here, it looks great all dolled up for a night on the town.

Mix Up

A big part of why I started the blog all those years ago, was that I didn't see the way I dressed represented in mainstream media. And I suppose it is hard to put 'vintage' or 'op-shop finds' on the pages of glossy magazines, but none the less I knew I wasn't alone in how I mixed up my wardrobe with new designers pieces, high street fashion and vintage and second hand clothes.