If you follow me on Instagram you will know that I picked up the fabric for this skirt at Savers. When I say 'fabric' I mean it was actually a tablecloth that I spied for all of $5.99.
I get a lot of beauty items come across my desk, but not all of them make it to the blog. I won’t put just anything on my face- would you?!
Here are some recent arrivals that I’ve really been enjoying, from beauty classics through to new kids on the block.
How do you dress for comfort? I prefer a cotton blouse like this one I picked up at Sussan the other day. Natural fibres that breath are really important and ...
Is your personal look or ‘brand’ more important than the occasion I wonder?
Ignoring a dress code, tradition or standard, says, ‘the way I look is more important than the occasion.” And let’s face it, hats are hard to get right and no one wants to end up on the pages of a celebrity mag being lampooned for what you’re wearing.
But if you are being paid to show up, or even if you're not, the least you can do is look the part.
Congratulations to: Tess Thomson thebeautebuzz Georgina Scrambler You have been emailed about your prize, thank you to everyone who entered this wonderful competition!