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From Sussan With Love

I've never been a slave to labels, rather always looking for good quality fabrication and cut. It doesn't matter to me whether something is op-shop, high street or designer, I'm more interested in whether the garment is a natural fibre, how it's cut and where it's made. On the hunt for simple, modest and fashionable clothing to take with me on my recent trip to Jordan, I stopped into Sussan and found this shift dress that ticked all of those boxes.

House of Harlow keeping me cool

These House of Harlow 'Chelsea' sunglasses were my sole boxing day sale purchase from In Her Shoes Boutique. I allow myself one purchase each year so I don't end up in the shops weeping over an empty bank account and bags full of things I simply don't need. Last year I bought a Samantha Wills ring from St Frock on sale(see the blog post), and this year I noticed that In Her Shoes Boutique had put these up for the tidy sum of....$50. How's that for my only bargain buy!

Jordan Part I: An Introduction

‘You went where?’ ‘Is it….safe?’ ‘Why are you going to Jordan?’ These are just some of the immediate reactions I’ve experienced when talking about visiting Jordan. I suppose from and Australian viewpoint it is a long way away, and it’s nestled pretty much smack bang in the Middle East bordering Israel, Lebanon, Syria, Iraq and Saudi Arabia. When you articulate it, the ‘Is it safe?’ question seems quite sage. Before I write about my trip, I thought an introduction was in order so I can answer some of those questions and put the trip into context.