Part one in our series of 'Shoot Me!' for 2008 I am pleased to present Golda Saira.Her style is definitely Melbourne, a little bit vintage, a little bit 70's glam, ...
It's casual day today being Friday and all, and although some people seem to think that track pants are acceptable(they're not) and although I try to wear a dress rather ...
So I was out the other night and my friend produced one of these. 'What on earth have you got there?' I naturally exclaimed. 'A Llama' she replied of course. ...
35 degrees makes it hard to stay stylish when you just sweat.Hat was a gift, dress from Yeojin Bae for Target, sandals are from Urban Soul, bracelets from Diva.
Yes, its a Birkin, handed down to me from mum. Jeans are from River Island, shirt thrifted from Episode then borrowed from boyfriend, scarf hand made, shoes from Zomp- their ...