It is finally here gentle readers, I have spent quite a bit of time getting the photos just right. I actually had the store done, but I didn't like the ...
I told you Lady Melbourne TV is coming so just to whet your appetite here are some stills from the title sequence. It was shot in Flinders Lane in the ...
Darling readers if you logged on today you would have got quite a shock- a blog, Lady Melbourne's blog no less sans photographs!It was quite distressing when I finally worked ...
Hello, Lady MelbourneIf it's not too much trouble do you think you could answer a few questions for me, pretty please?I'm going to be popping down to Melbourne at the ...
Left to right:Porcelain Blonde, AusStyle, Lady Melbourne, I'm not AntiSocial, Esme and the Laneway.I had the honour today of taking afternoon tea at the Park Hyatt in Melbourne with some ...