Shortly I shall be packing up the manor, and hustling myself, the maids and his Lordship on a tour of the continent and Hong Kong. There will be much sightseeing ...
I'm back for Happy Friday, somewhere in the world I believe it is still the 3rd of October!This will just be a short post but thank you readers for your ...
This little number was, or perhaps still is bound for the Etsy shop, but when I tried it on to photograph it I found I quite liked it. I think.It's ...
Happy Friday boys and girls!That is meant to be pink champagne I'm sipping, not urine I can assure you. Although I've heard it's meant to be good for you....can anyone ...
Yesterday I found a new selection of books so me, Mills and Boon spent some time on the couch today getting to know each other along with an entire block ...