A little bit of tuxedo action for Tuesday afternoon, it's turned quite cold here so I have a lovely warm coat to wear as well.Tux jacket: Tina KalivasJacket: VintageCamisol: Lady ...
When you have visitors to show around your city, sometimes you find yourself playing tourist yourself.Melbourne in Winter is just glorious, if you ever decide to visit don't be put ...
Interview..... Silje's blog.... Boy oh boy do I wish I could speak Norwegian! If you don't know Silje then look her up, we have been blogging buddies for a few ...
I'm off shopping today, it looks like it might rain so I'm not taking my bike and can therefore wear my heels. Riding in the rain with heels on is, ...
Back to normal programming today, I think some of you were quite shocked to log on and see a pair of ugg boots yesterday!So there is a chain store I ...
When Whooga wrote to me and asked if I would like to critique a pair of their ugg boots, my initial reaction was to laugh out loud.I wondered firstly if ...