So still no phone which is kind of strange, you don't realise how connected you are to it until you are forced not to use it.Just a quick drink before ...
My phone broke this morning. I spilt water on it- rather- I spilt water on myself while I was doing my hand washing and it was in my pocket.I loved ...
Lady Melbourne: Hey, have you seen my new shoes?His Lordship: No.Lady Melbourne: Go and have a look, take them out of the box.His Lordship: They look uncomfortable.Lady Melbourne: No, trust ...
Here is a little article I wrote on clothing sizes in Australia for another publication.Before the idea came across my desk I wasn't entirely aware of the fact that there ...
You know how you have those days where despite your wardrobe bursting at the seams, you have nothing to wear?I'm having one of those days.So I decided why not raid ...