So remember last week when I was talking about how Isabella Oliver were Fed Exing me a dress from London?Well this is it. Worth the wait don't you think! It ...
My dear despotic friend and favourite Aussie blogger Imelda took this photo of me back in September during fashion week.I haven't had time to do an outfit post today but ...
It's my first Happy Friday post for 2010 so I'm kind of thrilled that a competition ends today. Don't forget to enter, there could be a vintage dress and other ...
I hadn't checked my PO BOX for a while and was thrilled when I did the other day to find it stuffed full of wonderful packages.The Hanging Space sent me ...
Happy new year from the Lady M household, that's His Lordship and I dancing in the rain- nothing holding the celebrations back!Hope you had a fab time, my brother tells ...