I took this photo right before the storm hit Melbourne, on my way home from town. I don't normally walk down the street with a book in my hand, but ...
I found this little jacket at Value City Savers in Preston, but before I remove the biggest shoulder pads I have ever seen in my life, I thought I would ...
Last night I attended the winter preview parade for Sportsgirl with fellow Melbourne bloggers Alicia from Sea of Ghosts and Fashion Hayley.It was cute, fun and typically Sportsgirl- high energy, ...
Happy Friday out there folks, first Friday in Feb!I like to dress for occasions, meaning I like to look appropriate for the venue/event/party I am attending. Hence my post asking ...
Sniff, sniff, it's the last month I'll be a cover girl for the delightful Peppermint Magazine so if you want a copy rush to the shops!I'll still be writing for ...