Happy Friday everyone!
I've got a faaaaabulous little give away today: tickets to see Emilie Simon and Melanie Pain next week at the Prince Bandroom or in Sydney at the Metro Theatre.
The latest character to grace these pages is my gardener, or the gardener and I don't mind that the person in question chose such a mysterious name for themselves. I always ask my friends who otherwise don't want to be named on the blog to come up with an alter-ego for themselves(Lois Lane, Dr.Jones, Mother Melbourne etc) so the gardener it is.
Off to the theatre I went today with MM to see 'West Side Story' which is one of my favourite musicals of all time. I wasn't that impressed with the production design or costuming but the music is just so wonderful.
Melbourne is know as a city that can experience four seasons in one day. It's quite usual that you'll wear up to four layers and will inevitably be pulled off ...
Happy Friday! I've got some new hardware, you like? I know that the hinged finger ring isn't a new trend but lately I've just wanted to wear rings on EVERY ...
Well well well, it’s finally come time that I can reveal possibly the most exciting news that I’ve been able to divulge in a while.
Westfield has just launched a campaign to find ‘The Westfield Insider,’ and yours truly is on the official judging panel. Fabbo Lady M, but just what is this ‘Insider’ you speak of?