Hot on the heels of Frockwriters exclusive on Elliot Ward Fear's latest look book and collection, I phoned up The Tyrant and said that I needed to be in on some ...
This coming weekend I'm donating my time to MC the fashion events at the 'Fair@Square' festival here in Melbourne, bought to you by Moral Fairgound.
Knowing that I'd need something fabulous to wear, Obus were approached and asked: If we give you this fair-trade certified organic cotton can you make a dress for Lady Melbourne to wear?
A: Of course!
Earlier in the week I was lucky enough to spend time with the gorgeous woman behind Melbourne label Susan Rep to find out just what makes her collections so special. ...
I just adore High St Armadale here in Melbourne, the shopping is to put it quite simply, superb. I took my camera with me yesterday and happened upon all sorts of divine accessories and homewares, but just when I was getting into the swing of things it started to pour. And I don't mean a sprinkle of rain, it poured down.