I do get asked quite a fair bit about my beauty, hair and fitness regimes so I thought why not just make a whole week of posts all about it? It's quite exciting really because I've recieved some great products lately (ie mineral makeup) that have changed how I wear my make up. There are things such as my manicures that I only ever do myself however and my good old tried and tested $13 moisturiser so quite a mixed bag that makes up Lady M.
So I haven't updated it almost a week! No excuse! No notification! I am sorry to those of you who check in each and every day and I've heard from some of you asking where I am. Well I'm here, I just needed a little break.
I think it's fair to say that after four years together we all know I love accessories and the bigger the better. I like to make my own, buy second hand, new, designer- it doesn't really matter as long as I get the 'look' I want.
So I'm seeing a stylist for the first time EVER on Saturday as part of a project I'm working on with Westfields(plenty more blog posts to come!) and I thought I'd take some pictures along of things that I feel are staples and need updating in my wardrobe.