Well it's come to an end: Frocktober and my campaign to wear a dress every day and raise money for Ovarian Cancer Research. I am absolutely thrilled to report that through your donations and my frock wearing efforts we've raise $1530 dollars. WOW!!
When I was thinking about writing this post it occurred to me how Melbourne-centric the spring racing carnival is: outside of this city it makes the social pages or celebrities turn up on gofugyourself.com for wearing ugly hats but otherwise it could come off as quite a strange phenomenon.
As it is the season for Spring Racing, today I set off to Flemington for the official launch of the Myer Fashions on the Field. Then it was on to lunch at The Millswyn in South Yarra (how posh!) for lunch with Kyra who was my date for the launch and Cecylia from Cecylia.com.
Here are some close up shots of the jewellery I wore to my 1000th Blog Post Party. If you have any enquiries about the pieces just get in contact with Parisian Street Society.