What do you all do for Easter? I understand my friends in the States don't get Good Friday or Easter Monday as a holiday but I'm not sure what it's like for every corner of the globe.
I dropped in to see my friend Leigh who runs online boutique Halcyon State. This is a little sneak peek at what we got up to playing dress ups, stay tuned for the whole blog post!
The overwhelming reaction to the FELLT network launching here in Australia wasn’t that it was a bad thing for bloggers to make money. Rather, it was the approach. Managers, agencies and in particular a closed network only available to a chosen few seemed to rub the fashion blogging community the wrong way.
So many random and new things come across my desk and not all of them make it to the blog. I've sort of started a regular post called 'Random New Things' of, well, exactly that!
Today on Twitter a storm in a teacup erupted over the use of the term journalists in reference to bloggers that are part of a new and invitation only blogging platform. Here's what I think.