Neil McGrath and Ron Elms are the designers and principals behind Grathelms Couture, established in Melbourne in 1966. Their store on Lt Collins St called ‘Cannes Boutique’ was usually by appointment and all of the clothes were hung in individual plastic covers with a jacquard and gold sofa on which clients could recline.
I have such vivid memories of walking past their store and desperately wanting to go inside, but being so intimidated by the facade that I didn’t dare. What’s been interesting when looking into the brand, is that there is virtually no information about them online. Nada. There’s a scholarship in their names for fashion design students at RMIT, but other than that, I cannot find information about the brand, store or designers. Do you know anything about them? It’s kinda astounding that a label established at a time in Melbourne when fashion was emerging on an international stage has just no information.
Anyhow, I’m wearing this Grathelms jacket I found at an op-shop for nothing, under $10 perhaps? I imagine that it was part of a suit, and that once upon a time someone paid a lot of money for it. I’m really interested in finding out what I can about the designers, brand and store so if you know anything please share!