We’ve been out of lockdown now in Melbourne for a while, but it has taken some of us (ahem, me) quite a while to adjust to, well, ‘normal’ life. We spent so long shut up in our homes here in Melbourne that life took on a new routine and we just got used to doing everything from home.
I’ll be going back to work soon, lecturing to actual students on campus and while I can’t wait it’s also kind of daunting to be stepping back into a world turned upside down by a global pandemic. How are you coping with it all? Still stress baking like me?!
In other news the blog is turning 15 in 2022 if you can believe it. Technically, she’s actually already got there (cue balloons!) and while in the past I have shied away from looking back at everything I’ve done, I’ve decided that this year I’m going to dig into those archives and bringing back some of my original content to life. Will there be fashion tragedies? Of course! Will it be fun? Absolutely. Stay tuned!
Bohemian Traders cardigan
Levi’s Wedgie Icon Jeans