Back to work: three words that in the past may have meant something that happened after a summer holiday. In a post pandemic world however, it could mean stepping back into a formal environment for the first time in…years. I had a baby right before COVID hit, so coupled with maternity leave and Melbourne’s endless lockdowns, it’s been a looooooong time since I’ve actually worked on site.
This is about to change however!
I’m shortly going to be taking up a lecturing role and will be on campus for most classes. So how do you get out of flat shoes (or no shoes!) and back into workwear?
Trainers are an acceptable ‘fashionable’ item these days, which can be worn with pretty much anything. Take a look at this excellent article from Who What Wear in the UK if you need any further convincing. I’m not sure however that wearing trainers as a lecturer is going to give me the pathos I feel I need. This could of course be all in my head, but at the moment I’m looking at low heeled mules and nothing with a heel over 8cm. Even saying that makes my achilles heel shudder. But something with a little bit of height and formality to say, ‘I’m here and I mean business.’ At least my feet do.
Here’s a starting outfit, what do we think?
Misha Collection skirt
Aere heels
Philip Lim 3.1 bag
Scotch and Soda blouse I bought 6 years ago!