We cannot hug, we cannot kiss. Shaking hands is to be avoided as is gatherings of more than 10 people, two if you are out in public. The novel coronavirus or COVID-19 is sweeping the world, plunging us into lockdown.
Thousands of people have died, thousands more are expected to and I find myself wondering: when will we hug again?

This thought, this act, keeps reoccurring to me. Is it because it’s what the world needs right now? A great big hug? Or is it that one of our base needs as a human is to be touched?
As the mother to an infant daughter, I’m wedded physically and emotionally to not just hugging, but carrying, feeding, cuddling, burping, changing and generally having her attached. The thought of social distancing is so foreign to me that when I turn on the news and hear it blasted from every angle I return to the thought of a simple hug.
I wish I had an answer for you but I’m not sure even the worlds finest scientists know when we can safely congregate again. Rest assured, I’ll be waiting with open arms when we can.