Sitting in front of my latte, I can tell the woman sitting nearby wants to ask me a question but for some reason is holding back. She’s been eying-off my bag since I sat down, and eventually, as I get up to leave, she asks where it’s from.
Similarly, on social media, people who follow Lady Melbourne’s musings are never shy of asking where my boots/bag/jeans/jewellery are from. Not that I mind, of course, it’s been my job for eight years to tell you all about my fashionable discoveries and where they can be found!
I might start to do this kind of post more often if you’re interested and would like to know more? I don’t always post what I wear on a daily basis, rather trying to present my most lady-like looks. But do let me know if you’re interested – your credit card might not thank me, but your wardrobe will!
So here’s a couple of items I wear all the time, and where they’re from.