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At Home

Sometimes when I lose all desire to blog, take photos, be creative, write (as someone who is self employed this is sort of like firing yourself) I have to stop being outward and look inwards for inspiration.

What I do with my blog, most of the time, leaves you extremely exposed. Putting photos online, updating four social media platforms daily all the while trying to have something new to say (literally and metaphorically) just leaves the creative well dry sometimes.

So I’m spending a bit of time in my new home at the moment, taking photos of little things around me and trying to organise my brain into action for new ideas.

I am quite sure that I’m not alone in this so help me friends: what do you do when you have writers block? When you have a wardrobe full of clothes but nothing to wear? When the desire to be creative just isn’t there?

Lady Melbourne at Home

Lady Melbourne at Home

Lady Melbourne at Home

Lady Melbourne at Home

Lady Melbourne at Home

Lady Melbourne at Home