Trundling down Church St in Brighton the other day I noticed that Laura Ashley was having a sale. I’ve always had a soft spot for this British label, mainly because it’s, well, British and fuses another love of mine: Liberty prints. Anyhow I thought I’d pop in to see what was on offer and I picked up this merino wool sweater and crepe skirt for a grand total of $177.
My favourite period for Laura Ashley was the 1970s, but the height of their popularity was in the 1980s. The chintzy floral dresses and wall paper of this period are what sticks out in most peoples minds as the quintessential Laura Ashley look, but some of the earlier imagery is just so evocative of what fashion was all about in the late 1970s.
Paisley, cotton blouses, maxi skirts and dresses and a soft innocence reminisant of Little House on the Prairie. I love it.
What I’m wearing:
Pure Merino wool sweater: Laura Ashley
Circle skirt with button front: Laura Ashley
Earrings & ring: Samantha Wills
Belt: Trent Nathan from El Segundo in Hampton
Boots: Senso Diffusion from a couple of years ago