Unfortunately, there is currently no screening test for ovarian cancer. Frocktober aims to help improve the outlook for women with the disease by supporting the quest for a suitable early detection test, through fundraising for the OCRF.
Through fun – and sometimes quirky – measures, Frocktober is all about:
• increasing the public’s awareness of ovarian cancer and what it is
• promoting women’s health & wellbeing
• celebrating the great diversity of shapes, sizes and colours women come in.
Essentially, Frocktober puts forward a challenge to girls, women and interested men far and wide: To don a frock for a day, week, fortnight or a full month during October, and get sponsored for it!
So I will be wearing a dress every single day in October, and posting the results daily here on www.ladymelbourne.com.au.
• Electronic Funds Transfer:
Account name: Frocktober Inc
BSB 633000
Account number 134323187
Enter my registration number in the ‘reference’ field from your internet banking service.
This will help track your payment.
• Cheque / Money Order:
Please make payable to Frocktober Incorporated and post to Frocktober Inc, 10 Mulquiney Cres, Highton VIC 3216.
• Simply click on the icon sidebar to use PayPal.