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I don’t generally sit in the sun for the sake of doing it, and I certainly don’t sunbake or cook myself till I look like a bbq chook.
I take my photos in direct sunlight because, well, I have to for the sake of the lighting.
I digress, today I thought it would be lovely to sit in the sun for an hour or so after going to a shop to take photos and write a profile.
When I got home, I promtly deleted all the photos from my camera in an absent minded, sun drunk haze. All except for these.
For some reason I thought I had downloaded them, but alas in my brain fried state I got rid of them ALL.
Which means I will have to go back tomorrow and take them all over again. I hope it’s not too sunny.
I did manage to finish making a black and white pearl necklace though.

Jacket: reworked vintage shell top that I did myself
Skirt: Max Mara
Shirt: Laura Ashley
Necklace: Vintage Chanel
Cocktail Ring: Garden Rose