I am often asked where I got this bag, and where it can be purchased. It is quite special so I thought I’d show you some detailed shots.
My brother bought it for me on his travels at a market in Florence, Italy. I believe it ended up costing me the unbelievable sum of $80AUS. It’s leather, I don’t think that it’s real ostrich skin but who would know.
I’d bought this bag quite possibly from the same market when I was there in 2006 so when I heard he was visiting I implored him to drop EVERYTHING and find me another bag. He did and I was thrilled to find out that the prices had barely changed.
I look at these little tins every day as they sit on my desk so I thought it was apt that I share pictures also.
As I’ve mentioned before I buy my flowers from the florist at Flinders St station, generally when I am on my way home from somewhere. I have flowers every week in the house, they make me so happy.
The colour combination was purely subconscious but as I am pedantic about colours matching I’m not entirely surprised they have ended up in a little cluster.
I posted about the French pastilles at Christmas, they are from Cote Provence in Rathdown St and the flavour is ‘Violette.’ Just gorgeous.
My other little trinkets are Magnolia Eau de Toilette from L’Occitane, MOR Lip Delight in ‘Violetta’ (clearly I like violets!) and Perfumeria Gal balm in ‘Fraise.’ I have it in violet flavour, just not sitting on my desk.